22 Amazing open source React projects

Mybridge for Professionals
5 min readMay 31, 2016


This is a collection of open source apps built with React.JS library. In this observation, we compared nearly 1,000 popular React projects to pick the top 22. (React Native: 11, React: 11)

React is an open source JavaScript library built by Facebook, providing a view for data rendered as HTML.

To evaluate the quality, Mybridge AI considers a variety of factors to determine how useful the projects are for programmers. To give you an idea on the quality, the average number of Github stars from the 22 projects was 3,584.

  • React.js Open Source Projects of the Year. v.2018 (avg. 3,366 ⭐️): Click Here (0 duplicate)
  • React.js Top Articles of the Year v.2018: Click Here

Open source projects can be useful both for beginners to learn from reading the code and for advanced programmers to save time by using the existing code. The aim of this collection is to help you pick a great project right away without having to spend hours of searching.

Note that React UI components, boilerplates, tools and frameworks are separated out to make this curation more specific to full-working apps built with React.

React Native Reddit Reader. Courtesy of Andrei Hrabouski [323 Stars]

That’s it for Amazing React Projects. Visit our publication to find top posts for more programming skills.

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