#99 How to succeed at Meta

How to succeed at Meta

Joined about 5 months ago as E5 and I think I’ve cracked the meta culture. Most recent performance checkin was Exceeds Expectations.

Scientists got lab-grown human brain cells to play 'Pong'

But how long until they can play 'Doom'?

PostgreSQL 15 Released!

PostgreSQL 15 builds on the performance improvements of recent releases with noticeable gains for managing workloads in both local and distributed deployments, including improved sorting. This release improves the developer experience with the addition of the popular MERGE command, and adds more capabilities for observing the state of the database.

Using a Framework will harm the maintenance of your software

In this article I'm putting together my quotes, thoughts and notes on the idea that Frameworks harm the maintainability of the software you build in that framework.

Toyota Suffered a Data Breach by Accidentally Exposing A Secret Key Publicly On GitHub

On October 7th, Toyota revealed a partial copy of their T-Connect source code had been accidentally exposed for 5 years, including access to data for over 290,000 customers.

MAR1D - Home

Mario. An inscrutable cartoon figure, beloved by many, but understood by few. To delve into the depths of this Italian plumber's psyche, to truly understand the man behind the mustache, we decided that we needed to see the world from his eyes.


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