#64 Daily Tech: The frontrunners in the trillion-dollar race for limitless fusion power

The frontrunners in the trillion-dollar race for limitless fusion power

Nuclear is booming again. And with a serious pile of private and public funding behind them, these companies say they’re getting closer to fusion.

How Discord Supercharges Network Disks for Extreme Low Latency

It's no secret that Discord's your place to talk; 4 billion messages sent a day have us convinced. But text only accounts for a chunk of the features that Discord supports — learn how Discord optimizes its platform to respond to the high frequency of queries for all types of content and data as quickly as possible.

Apple tells employees to work at the office three times per week starting in September

The move is a sign that Apple remains committed to in-person work. Apple employees who work in Santa Clara County near the company’s California headquarters have been called back to the office starting in September, where they are expected to work three times per week.

Build Your Own Imagen Text-to-Image Model

Text-to-Image models have made great strides this year, from DALL-E 2 to the more recent Imagen model. In this tutorial learn how to build a minimal Imagen implementation - MinImagen.

One for All?

New antibody neutralizes all known SARS-CoV-2 variants in lab tests

AirTag leads to arrest of airline worker accused of stealing at least $15,000 worth of items from luggage

Giovanni De Luca, 19, was charged with two counts of grand theft after authorities recovered the stolen items from his home, authorities in Florida said.

Agile Projects Have Become Waterfall Projects With Sprints

Agile projects have become bloated, lazy waterfall projects with two weeks sprints. The waterfall production line approach is suited to projects with known requirements or making widgets.


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