#63 Daily Tech: Adventure game graphics with DALL-E 2

And we're back after a short vacation. ☀️🏔

There has been a lot of hype in the AI image generation space so you'll have to excuse me for riding the train recently. I've been enjoying it a lot.

Adventure game graphics with DALL-E 2

Is DALL-E 2 fit for use in creative work? A case study involving pixel graphics for a point-and-click adventure game.

This startup is setting a DALL-E 2-like AI free, consequences be damned

A startup, Stability AI, wants to open source the AI tech behind image generation systems like DALL-E 2. That could open a huge can of worms.

I spent $15 in DALL·E 2 credits creating this AI image, and here’s what I learned

I’ve been dying to try DALL·E 2 ever since I first saw this artificially generated image of a “Shiba Inu Bento Box”.

De-extinction company sets its next (first?) target: The thylacine

We killed the last thylacine about a century ago. Can we correct that mistake?

Why thinking hard makes us feel tired

Difficult tasks can lead to build-up of a signalling molecule in the brain, triggering fatigue. Difficult tasks can lead to build-up of a signalling molecule in the brain, triggering fatigue.

Second-Order Thinking: What Smart People Use to Outperform

Second-order thinking is a mental model that smart people like Warren Buffett & Howard Marks use to avoid problems. Read this article to learn how it works.


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