#368 I was creating Forms the wrong way


You don’t have to be a frontend expert to build powerful apps. Retool helps.

You don't have to be a frontend expert to build beautiful apps. Retool provides a powerful platform to build your UI, connect your data, and publish your app in record time. With 90+ powerful UI components, you can write custom code nearly anywhere to customize how your apps look and work.

this week's favorite

I was creating Forms the wrong way

When I was creating a signup form, I found myself creating dozens of useStates & then creating dozens of onChange handlers for those useStates.

Docusaurus 2.0: Meta's static site generator to build beautiful documentation websites

Meta (Facebook) just released a new version of their documentation static-site-generator, based on Node.js and React. It allows you to focus on content: just write Markdown files. It is already powering many docs sites you know: React-Native, Supabase, Redux, etc.

How to create a Speed Typing app with React, TailwindCSS and Framer Motion

In this video we're going to create a Speed Typing App using React, TailwindCss and Framer Motion.

How to build a real-time auction system

Like an actual auction, if you bid for a product, you get counterbids from other bidders. The auction runs on the "fast" decision bid, where somebody else will win or outbid you if you don't bid fast enough.

Bedrock UI - A bedrock for building design systems

Bedrock UI is a foundational UI library that is best used as a base for building out a design system. It supplies minimal components with sensible defaults and easy overrides with CSS variables. Bedrock UI is generally unopinionated, and intentionally simple. Bedrock UI provides, as the name suggests, a UI bedrock to build applications with whatever style you can dream of.


Free eBook: Understanding Databases - Extended Edition

Learn how to release a Django project to production in a scalable and sustainable way by using Github Actions, Docker, Terraform, and Ansible. This combined eBook and video series by Linode + Coding for Entrepreneurs has everything you need to deploy Django to Linux using a managed MySQL database.


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