#313 Freelance React developer checklist


How to Implement a React Data Grid in 16 Minutes: Video Tutorial

Are you looking for a fast grid that’s ready to roll, meets your feature requirements and is straightforward, even pleasant, to use? Then check out TJ VanToll’s 16-minute tutorial on how to implement the KendoReact Grid – and get the code!

this week's favorite

Freelance React developer checklist

As a freelance React developer, I work with a lot of clients on their React projects these days. Every time I get a request in my inbox, I usually reply with the same email template which I call the freelance checklist for React developers.

One React mistake that's slowing you down

One thing that I like about React is that it allows me to write my components like little black boxes of abstraction. I can look at a design and draw lines around the UI elements and I know the components that I'm going to be making.

Effective React Query keys

Query Keys are a very important core concept in React Query. They are necessary so that the library can internally cache your data correctly and refetch automatically when a dependency to your query changes. Lastly, it will allow you to interact with the Query Cache manually when needed, for example when updating data after a mutation or when you need to manually invalidate some queries.

How to stop re-rendering lists in React?

You have a list of components in React. The parent holds the state and passes it to the list items. Every time you update the property of one of the components in the list, the entire list re-renders. How to prevent that?

Not all components are created equal

We used to argue about dividing our components into categories, until we renounced this pattern as a community. But what if we missed out on valuable lessons about what makes our components more comprehensible?


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