#309 Think of React components as state machines, not functions


Guided Tour of React State Management with Dave Ceddia

In his recent talk at React Wednesdays All-Day, Dave Ceddia (author of React State Management Libraries and How to Choose), brought order to the chaos by offering solid, practical advice. Check out this discussion of the most popular choices to decide what to use in your own apps.

this week's favorite

Think of React components as state machines, not functions

When React Components moved from classes to functions, all the buzz was about transitioning from Object-Oriented Programming to Functional Programming. Functional programming has two goals in mind.

Redux Alternatives in 2021

Are you building or planning to build a React application, and need some way to handle your state? Then you are spoiled for choice. The state management scene might have been calming down after its initial explosion in 2014, but there are still plenty of both stable and cutting edge alternatives to look into.

Using forms in React

No matter what kind of app you’re writing, there’s a good chance you need at least one form.

Real-world CSS vs. CSS-in-JS performance comparison

Don’t use runtime CSS-in-JS if you care about the load performance of your site. Simply less JS = Faster Site. There isn’t much we can do about it. But if you want to see some numbers, continue reading.

Everything new in React 18

React 18 Alpha is here there are many things that got added in react 18 as react 17 there really wasn't much added But it's definitely not a case with react 18 In this article we will look at some of the top updates.


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