#308 How to build an image comparison slider
Using a Desktop-Like Window Interface in Your React App
A really nice thing about desktop applications is that you can easily resize, minimize, maximize and even drag them around. Have you ever wondered how something like this could be implemented on the web? It’s quite easy if you have a React Window component handy – see how!
this week's favorite
How to build an image comparison slider
Today we'll be building an image comparison slider component using React. This kind of UI treatment works well for comparing before and after, or side by side images.
Rendering in an iframe in a React app
Sometimes you want to render a tree of components within an iframe. You may want to do this because you may be creating something like CodeSandbox that runs other people's code or developing a Storybook-kinda library to design & test components in isolation or you are building a visual editor for designing web apps likes us.
These updates are primarily aimed at maintainers of third-party libraries. If you’re learning, teaching, or using React to build user-facing applications, you can safely ignore this post. But you are welcome to follow the discussions in the React 18 Working Group if you’re curious!
The modern guide to React state patterns
Since its inception in 2013, React has rolled out a robust set of tools to help relieve developers of some of the minutiae of creating web applications and allow them to focus on what matters.
Journey of improving React app performance by 10x
Ever got this “Aw! Snap” on your application? Tried to solve it? Did you just google it and find nothing but a “chrome issue” article? Generally, a simple page refresh would make your application run again.
React Brussels: The First React Conference in the heart of Europe
Join the first event for developer tools & ideas in the React ecosystem in Brussels. - Meet the Engineers behind the best React libraries! - 15 October 2021. Register before June 22 for only €49.5! (50% OFF)
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