#307 đź’ˇ React Hooks: async function in the useEffect


Generating PDF from HTML in React Demo: Exporting Invoices

A popular exporting challenge is how to export an HTML document to PDF. In this tutorial, you’ll see how to export SVG elements (via charts) and how even more advanced React components such as DropDowns can be included in your generated PDF files. See how in the blog.

this week's favorite

đź’ˇ React Hooks: async function in the useEffect

When you're new to React Hooks, you may notice that you get warnings and bugs if you use an async function inside the useEffect Hook.

Let’s learn modern Redux

A lot has changed in Redux since it was originally created. In this episode, Mark Erikson will teach us about Redux Toolkit an React-Redux hooks.

Why React Hooks cannot be conditioned

If you've used React hooks along with the eslint-plugin-react-hooks, you might have encountered the unexpected warning React Hook "useState" is called conditionally.

React Hooks - useState lazy loading, synced updates and Refs Overview

Lately, I’ve decided to brush up on my React Hooks skills after encountering a situation I didn’t truly understand when working with useState. So I’ve decided to read the book “React Hooks in Action” by John Larsen, Which cleared all of my discrepancies quickly.

Dynamic vs static routing in React

Routing is a topic most of us are familiar with. However, SPA frameworks and routing libraries use different techniques underneath. Two such approaches are static and dynamic routing. Frameworks like Angular, Ember and React Router library (in the past) supported static routing.


React Brussels: The First React Conference in the heart of Europe

Join the first event for developer tools & ideas in the React ecosystem in Brussels. - Meet the Engineers behind the best React libraries! - 15 October 2021. Register before June 22 for only €49.5! (50% OFF)


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