#303 Improving slow mounts in React apps


The Ultimate Guide to Building a UI Library for Your Company—Part 3: Building Robust Components

In this ongoing series, TJ VanToll continues to share tips and tricks he’s learned from over a decade of writing and working with UI components for the web. This post focuses on building robust UI components and supplementing them with unit tests and excellent documentation.

this week's favorite

Improving slow mounts in React apps

There are a million articles out there focusing on how you can make your app faster by removing unnecessary re-renders & preventing unneeded component updates , but none of them talks about the one necessary render: the initial mount.

useStateMachine: The ½ kb state machine hook for React

It is feature complete (entry/exit callbacks, guarded transitions & extended state - context) with heavy focus on type inference (you get auto completion for both TypeScript & JavaScript users without having to manually define the typings) using idiomatic React patterns (since it's built on top of React's useReducer & useEffect, might as well...).

State Designer: A state management library for JavaScript

As the name suggests, the library treats state as a design problem. If you’re not exactly sure how the state of a user interface should work, then State Designer can help you figure it out.

How React hooks work - in depth

Understand how React-hook really behaves, once and for all!

Mantine – new React library, 60+ hooks and components

Mantine is a MIT licensed open source react components and hooks library with focus on usability, accessibility and developer experience.


Clerk is the easiest way to add authentication and user management to your React application

Need a sign up screen? Try our . Need a sign in screen? Try our . Need a user profile screen? Try our . Don't waste time reinventing the wheel - Clerk is focused on conversion and security, so you can focus on building a great application. Try our free plan today!


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