#46 Daily Tech: Blue Zones: Lessons From the World’s Longest Lived

Blue Zones: Lessons From the World’s Longest Lived

What began as a National Geographic expedition, lead by Dan Buettner, to uncover the secrets of longevity, evolved into the discovery of the 5 places around the world where people consistently live over 100 years old, dubbed the Blue Zones. Dan and his team of demographers, scientist and anthropologists were able to distill the evidence-based common denominators of these Blue Zones into 9 commonalities that they call the Power 9.

UK pay falls at fastest rate on record as inflation hits

Basic pay falls at fastest rate since records began in 2001 when rising prices are taken into account.

Anonymous Review Site Glassdoor Not Anonymous?

A judge has ruled in favour of releasing anonymous user details posted on Glassdoor to billion-dollar NZ toy company, Zuru.

This Pioneering Economist Says Our Obsession With Growth Must End

“It’s a false assumption,” argues Herman Daly, “to say that growth is increasing the standard of living in the present world.”

Apple reportedly wants to slow down hiring in 2023

Apple is planning to slow hiring in 2023, according to Bloomberg. The changes won’t affect every team, but some groups won’t see increased staff next year and some positions won’t be backfilled.


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