#45 Daily Tech: 20 years of payment processing problems

And with a slight jet lag we are back from the other side of the world. It's nice to increase your summer days. πŸŒžβ›±

20 years of payment processing problems

Electronic payment systems have existed on the Internet for a long time, and some bugs in them are twenty years old. We've found critical vulnerabilities allowing us to steal money and drive up the balance. Today we will analyze typical implementations of payment processing and related security issues.

Why long-term plans don't work and how to fix them

Yearly software development plans are my favourite genre of fiction. In the fabulous world of yearly plans, product developers assume they know exactly what product they must build and how long each task will take.

Not interacting with people reduces cognitive function over time

Not interacting with people reduces cognitive function over time as studies over the years show that being a part of a group can enhance happiness and life satisfaction.

Scratch is a big deal

While none of us were paying attention, Scratch has transformed from a programming language for kids to a massive online community of self-guided, student-programmers. Usage has doubled since the pandemic started and the language is now overtaking β€œreal” programming languages (like Typescript and Rust) in language popularity rankings.

Algae biopanel windows make power, oxygen and biomass, and suck up CO2

Beautifully designed, energy-generating bio-panels that suck up carbon dioxide and pump out biomass for use as fuel or fertilizer – that's the idea behind Mexican startup Greenfluidics and its nanotech-enhanced microalgae bioreactor building panels.


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