#150 Learn how to create a simple blog with React & Node


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this week's favorite

Learn how to create a simple blog with React & Node

In this article you will learn how to create a personal blog using React & Node. You will also learn how to config your own Webpack, Redux, React-Router and start your node server from scratch. This tutorial does not contain authentication process.

Configure absolute paths with Create React App and Flow

It took me some time to aggregate the information to configure CRA project with flow to handle absolute paths in import statements, so I decided to document the steps I took to make it work.

Building a Chat App with Express, React and Socket.io with GIFs Support

In this tutorial, we are building a real-time chat app with Node.js/Express backend and React/Bootstrap frontend. We’re using Socket.io with Express to handle incoming socket connections and emit messages to connected clients. We’re using Webpack4 to transform and bundle our frontend assets.

Learning Higher-Order Components in React by Building a Loading Screen

Let me share a secret: no matter how long you’ve been doing something, you’re bound to have to relearn some part of it. I haven’t built my own higher-order component in a long time and made a lot of mistakes. Real mistakes.

The most important lessons I’ve learned after a year of working with React

Starting out with a new technology can be quite troublesome. You usually find yourself in a sea of tutorials and articles, followed by millions of personal opinions. And every single one states that they found the “right and perfect way.”


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