#130 Creating and Testing a D3/React Game with Redux-Observable


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Creating and Testing a D3/React Game with Redux-Observable

When I first watched the Netflix talk introducing redux-observable to the world, I had only worked with redux-loop for organizing Redux async complexities. I had not used redux-thunk to any significant extent and was only vaguely familiar with redux-saga, which I thought offered more than what most single page applications require.

Learn React with the React Starter Kit

We want to introduce you to different ways to build those apps. In this video series, we talk about React. Through 5 short videos we cover what React is, why you might use it an when. And we look at 3 remixable example apps that use React and explain the code that’s used in them.

Flat UI library for React

React Elemental is a modern, flat UI library built for React. It is built for maximum development velocity: there is no CSS to import and no additional parameters to add to your Webpack configuration. React Elemental has first-class support for ES6/JSX and works effortlessly with SSR.

Dynamic Redux Reducers

This post is specific to a need I had on recent React / Redux project. It’s a common need and one I’d run into before, but this was the first time I needed to come up with a solution for it. This was difficult for me. I had to slow down and take time to internalize what I was trying to do and all the pieces involved. My hope is that this post will help someone else also working to figure this out.

A guide to building a React component for npm

Building and publishing a React component on npm is very different from building a normal React web application. There are a lot of things to take into account, so I’ve made this brief guide to help you get the important things right. It’s based off of my experience building a toggle-switch library called react-switch.


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