#129 Understanding The React Source Code — Initial Rendering

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Understanding The React Source Code — Initial Rendering

UI updating, in its essential, is data change. React offers a straightforward and intuitive way to program front-end Apps as all the moving parts are converged in the form of states. Code review of Apps made with React is a bit more easier to me as I like to start with data structures for a rough expectation of the functionalities and processing logic. From time to time, I was curious about how React works internally, hence this article.

Building URL shortener using React, Apollo and GraphQL

The idea behind the URL shortener is simple — the shortener takes a long URL such as www.example.com/thisisalongurl and shortens it to http://goo.gl/ABC. When shortened URL is accessed, the service expands it to the original URL and redirects you there. The algorithm I’ll use to calculate the hash (short URL) is explained here.

25 Amazing Open Source React.js Projects for 2018

This is an extremely competitive list and it carefully picks the best open source React.js projects published between Jan and Dec 2017. Mybridge AI carefully evaluates the quality by considering popularity, engagement and recency. To give you an idea about the quality, the average number of Github stars is 3,366.

Are there any good production level examples open to the public?

I've been working in React about a year now and I've seen a lot of different things, but it's just from my teammates. I'd like to look through some open source code. The only code that is open though is ones for libraries, and programming for libraries is a lot different than doing a web app.

Majestic - Zero Config UI For Jest

Majestic is an electron app that provides a UI for running tests with Jest. Jest CLI itself provides one of the best testing experiences available today. But Majestic humbly tries to expand upon it by providing a rich UI to be used during the dev/test loop.


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