#123 Clean Code vs. Dirty Code: React Best Practices

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Clean Code vs. Dirty Code: React Best Practices

Clean code is a consistent style of programming that makes your code easier to write, read, and maintain. Often a developer spends time on a problem, and once the problem is solved, they make a pull request. I contend that you aren’t done just because your code “works.”

The Performance Cost of Server Side Rendered React on Node.js

While I like the concept of the guarantees of structure and validity, I do recognise that there’s a lot of overhead in how it works for constructing just a single view server side. This is Why I decided to examine just how much overhead there is compared to more traditional templating engines that work on strings and don’t guarantee structure.

9 React Component Libraries You Should Know In 2018

React’s virtual DOM, the ability to declaratively describe a user interface and model the state of that interface, and low barriers to entry for a decent Javascript developer, all make React a great go-to library for building UI’s.

Building a GraphQL API with Node JS and React

GraphQL is a new query language for building APIs introduced by Facebook. It is more convenient than REST API in some cases and is supposed to replace REST in some areas. The main advantage of the GraphQL approach is that you need only one endpoint driven by a POST method instead of several endpoints and HTTP methods in REST.

Internationalization for react done right

The module asserts that needed translations get loaded for your components and that your content gets rerendered on language changes. Based on the zero dependencies and build tools react-i18next is optimal suited for serverside rendering too.


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