#96 Up-To-Date React Native Demos

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Up-To-Date React Native Demos

Through my time as a Open Source Developer for React Native Libraries good examples seemed like the key to me. They can help new users understand your thoughts better and they might as well be a better solution than an extensive documentation. For that reason I try to come up with example projects that the user of my library can check out, run and test on his or her own.

Animate it on React Native with OpenGL

What I really like about the mobile programming is an animation. I think it’s a quite important part of a successful product and I continuously research new approaches and ways to create amazing animations for the Android platform.

How To Build a React GraphQL Static Site Served From AWS CloudFront

So you’ve read all the great reasons to go API-first, and you’ve produced a great looking single page app to display your content. But how do you serve it to the user?

Building HandsUp: an OS real-time Q&A App using GraphQL and React

In this article, we will look at all the steps that were involved to build an Open Source real-time Q&A App using GraphQL and React.

Rearchitecting Airbnb’s Frontend

Overview: We recently rethought the architecture for the JavaScript side of our codebase at Airbnb. This post will look at (1) the product drivers that precipitated the changes, (2) the steps we took to move away from our legacy Rails solutions, and (3) some of the key pillars of the new stack.


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