#91 React v15.5.0


ReactJS E-Commerce With No Backend Using Snipcart & Gatsby

Building a fully functional ReactJS e-commerce with no backend with Gatsby & Snipcart took me less than four hours.

this week's favorite

React v15.5.0

It's been exactly one year since the last breaking change to React. Our next major release, React 16, will include some exciting improvements, including a complete rewrite of React's internals. We take stability seriously, and are committed to bringing those improvements to all of our users with minimal effort.

Create a YouTube App with React and Node.Js

This time we are going to write a simple app to upload and share videos, in few words a youtube-like app. Users can upload videos, share them throughout the app but the best feature is the video transcoding. Before being shared to public use the video is going to get transcoded thanks to Filestack.

React Elements

In JavaScript almost everything is an object. Likewise in React everything is a React Element. React Elements are the building blocks of a React program. If you're writing one from scratch, the first thing you'll be doing is creating a React Element.

Changing Old Habits in React Router 4

At React Conf 2017, Michael Jackson & Ryan Florence talked about React Router in their talk called “Learn Once, Route Anywhere”. They unveiled the new React Router website, and with it, the new focus that React router has taken — declarative components.

What the thing

Point camera at things to learn how to say them in a different language. Android app built with React Native.


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