#82 App In an Hour: Making a Discussion Board with React and Firebase


These 4 Tutorials Create a New Language in Less Than 200 Lines of Code

Have you ever wanted to design your own programming language? It seems like such fun, but if you’ve ever tried you probably got stuck right around the time you read “LLR Decent Parsers and Abstract Syntax Trees.” Traditionally designing your own language was hard because it requires a very specialized set of arcane tools, tools that take a long time to learn and use effectively. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Ohm, a new compact parser toolkit from the team at HARC, lets you build your own languages with simple and clean Javascript.

this week's favorite

App In an Hour: Making a Discussion Board with React and Firebase

In this video I attempt to go from nothing to a Discussion Board built with React and Firebase in about an hour. It's hard work but I manage to get something that you can put messages on and it stores the messages in firebase by the end.

A deep dive into children in React

The core of React is components. You can nest these components like you would nest HTML tags, which makes is easy to write JSX since it resembles markup.

React Native at Instagram

React Native has come a long way since it was open-sourced in 2015. Fewer than two years later, it’s being used not only in Facebook and Facebook Ads Manager, but also in many other companies, from Fortune 500 companies to hot new startups.

How to Achieve Reusability with React Components

Reusability is one of the most common buzzwords in software engineering today. It’s promised by a wide variety of frameworks, tools, and paradigms, each of which seems to have not only its own approach to achieving reusability, but its own definition of the word itself.

ARc - Atomic React

ARc is a React starter kit based on the Atomic Design methodology. It's progressive, which means that you can start with the basic boilerplate and try the other features when you are comfortable.


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