#66 Building D3 Components with React
How much time per year do you spend waiting for your React tests to finish?
Instant feedback from your tests and realtime code coverage right in your editor, no context switching.
this week's favorite
Building D3 Components with React
D3 is a powerful library for creating visualizations with JavaScript. While it allows a high-level of customizations, it can be challenging to create isolated, declarative components. Thankfully, this is something React does really well. While there are libraries for integrating the two, I’ve found creating a custom integration to work best for my purposes. We’ll walk through a basic example of how this integration works as well as some lessons learned along the way.
The adorable tool that lets you record and re-watch user sessions.
15 Days of Hell (October 15 — The Plan)
I feel that it is important that I be careful about my goals, as it is very easy to plan way too big and then fall short. With only 15 days to build the game from scratch, everything will be condensed and even goals that seem modest on the surface will likely become unrealistic. With that said, the game I am building will be a text adventure / survival game.
Testing your React components with Jest snapshots
Unit test, or functional tests? This is the endless question you always asked yourself. You may prefer unit tests because it is fast, quick to set up, and deterministic, but you wonder how to unit test your React components ? Have you tried Jest snapshots ?
In early 2015, Airtable had just launched publicly and released its iOS app. After a long product sprint in preparation for the launch and release, our engineering team finally had the opportunity to take a step back and try out new frameworks and tools as a foundation for our next phases of work.
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