#28 Daily Tech: What we learned in studying the most effective founders

What we learned in studying the most effective founders

The Google for Startups Effective Founders Project dives deep into the leadership strategies of the most successful startups around the world.

Cloudflare mitigates 26 million request per second DDoS attack

Last week, Cloudflare automatically detected and mitigated a 26 million request per second DDoS attack — the largest HTTPS DDoS attack on record.

The Cult in Google

I worked for Google for about three and a half years as a video producer. I was fired because I raised alarm about a doomsday cult that dominated my former team there.

Elon Musk sued for $258 billion over alleged Dogecoin pyramid scheme

Elon Musk was sued for $258 billion on Thursday by a Dogecoin investor who accused him of running a pyramid scheme to support the cryptocurrency.

The Great Decentralization? Geographic shifts and where tech talent is moving next

The pandemic reshaped modern life in many ways. Over two years later, we still see ongoing shifts to urban centers. With remote and hybrid work here to stay, thriving careers in the tech industry do not depend on living in traditional technology capitals such as San Francisco, Seattle, or New York.


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