#56 React Native Debugger
How much time per year do you spend waiting for your React tests to finish?
Instant feedback from your tests and realtime code coverage right in your editor, no context switching.
this week's favorite
The standalone app for React Native Debugger, with React DevTools / Redux DevTools.
Welcome back to the second instalment of State of React! In case you missed it, the first instalment demonstrated a small app without component state.
Why Redux makes sense to me and how I conceptualize it
I’m starting to see the benefits of Redux and in this blog post, I’ll discuss why I think Redux makes sense and provide a visual analogy for internalizing the different parts of Redux better.
The Good, The Bad, and Some Protips for React.js Users.
This month marks a year since we released Relay and we'd like to share an update on the project and what's next.
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