#25 Daily Tech: Microsoft is shutting down Internet Explorer after 27 years

Microsoft is shutting down Internet Explorer after 27 years

The web browser was first released in 1995 as part of the add-on package Plus! for Windows 95 that year. The browser reportedly reached its peak in 2003 with around 95% usage share. But with the release of new browsers from other competitors, their user base fell in the years that followed.

Japan Is Dropping a Gargantuan Turbine Into The Ocean to Harness 'Limitless' Energy

Deep beneath the waves there's a source of power quite unlike any other. To tap into it, Japanese engineers have constructed a true leviathan, a beast capable of withstanding the strongest of ocean currents to transform its flow into a virtually limitless supply of electricity.

How Trustpilot Extorts Businesses - Ryan Badger - Medium

Trustpilot promises to be “free and open” — in reality, they are the exact opposite, holding companies at ransom, and outright violating their own terms, as well as the law. Like most companies, we didn’t choose to use Trustpilot, but in 2019, a user left this 5-star review for Shoprocket on Trustpilot.com, and whether we liked it or not, we were now listed, and anybody could leave a public review that we have no control over.

Symbiote Deep-Dive: Analysis of a New, Nearly-Impossible-to-Detect Linux Threat

Symbiote is a new Linux malware we discovered that acts in a parasitic nature, infecting other running processes to inflict damage on machines.

Why We're Sticking with Ruby on Rails at GitLab

With our modular monolith, developers can contribute enhancements to the core product, giving us tremendous leverage, unbeatable pace and scalability.


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