#17 Daily Tech: Growing wood in lab

And we are back! 👋

Scientists can now grow wood in a lab without cutting a single tree

Scientists at MIT have developed a technique using which customizable plant matter can be produced in a lab without the need of cutting trees.

After millennia of agricultural expansion, the world has passed ‘peak agricultural land’

The world produces more food than ever, but the amount of land we use is now falling. This means we can feed more people while restoring wild habitat.

AMD-Powered Frontier Supercomputer Breaks the Exascale Barrier, Now Fastest in the World

The AMD-powered Frontier supercomputer is now the first officially recognized exascale supercomputer in the world, topping 1.102 ExaFlop/s during a sustained Linpack run. That ranks first on the newly-released Top500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers as the number of AMD-powered systems on the list has expanded significantly this year.

Simple software things that are actually very complicated

There's a phenomenon in the software world: complex and sophisticated pieces of software that are so robust and easy-to-use, that they create an impression of being simple. A text input field is a good example. It looks simple - just a box you type text in to, right? It's a basic thing everyone who uses computers is familiar with. Yet it includes a huge amount of hidden complexity.

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